I. Instructions
(from Wendy Hsu and Carey Sargent, Occidental College)
Considering today’s talk, pair up with another person and use a phone, tablet, camera or laptop* to record a sound/image. This sound could be spoken, sung, musical, a sample of existing media, or environmental sounds.
After you record your sound(s), upload them here: http://soundcloud.com/femonspace1/dropbox
Images can go to: alexandra_juhasz@pitzer.edu
These sounds will be remixed by Grapefruit Experiment (Los Angeles) in the style of “grrl-tronica”: http://grapefruitexperiment.bandcamp.com/
*If you are using a laptop and connected to wifi you can go to http://soundcloud.com/femonspace1/dropbox and record your sound using Soundcloud.
Come back to Feminist Online Spaces in the next week or so to hear the song made from here.
II. Possible Questions from and to Other Places
The main question: What makes a, this, any space feminist?
Questions from Concordia to UCLA:
How do you make affective communities online without degradation or vulgarity?
How can we be open online without distraction?
What kind of space can we build for ourselves that moves from a top down culture to a flat plane?
Questions from UCLA to Rutgers:
How would you consider each of us students who attended Alex’s talk (and our work in the folder made during the talk) as representative of UCLA (or not?)
How do you define relationships or community in an Internet environment?
What if I didn’t know?
Questions from Rutgers to Occidental:
Do all voices want a body?
How does the delivery of Alex’s lecture in our room challenge us to rethink the use of form in scholarly praxis?
Does all (feminist?) scholarship need an aesthetic?
Why does Alex call her talk a “show,” rather than a performance, or a lecture?
Questions from Occidental to Yale:
How does this book teach me to read?
Does the body that a voice comes from change the meaning of the words and voice?
What happens if you break the mantrafesto into pieces?