Fwd: GJSS Call for Papers and Book Reviews

The Graduate Journal of Social Science is excited to announce two upcoming editions for 2013. The first Call for Papers is for our March 2013 edition, on the theme of ‘Visual Methodologies’. This issue seeks to explore the various ways visual methods are informing social science research. The preliminary deadline is Wednesday 31st October 2012, so do start getting your contributions to us! editors@gjss.org.

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We are also very pleased to circulate the Call for Papers for our June 2012 issue. Inspired by the 8th ATGENDER European Feminist Research Conference, held in Budapest this May, ‘The Conditions of Praxis: Theory and Practice in Activism and Academia’ explores the relationship between activism and academia and is being undertaken by special editors Maya Nitis, Marianna Szczygielska and Whitney Stark. The deadline for this is also Wednesday 31st October 2012, please email the special editors at gjss.vol10.iss2@gmail.com with your contributions and any queries you may have.

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This is a great opportunity for young and emerging scholars to get published, so please do take this opportunity to submit your draft papers for review! However, the GJSS will also be looking for a number of postgraduates and early career academics to help with the peer review process for both of these editions. If you feel that these editions match your own research interests and would like to be involved in reviewing some submissions, please do contact the editors to express your interest.

Furthermore, the guest editors of the upcoming December 2012 edition on the topic of ‘Sexuality in Focus’ are looking for prospective book reviewers for the edition – the deadline is 20 August 2012 for proposing a book so do get in touch with the special editors of the edition at GJSSspecialed@gmail.com.

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You can access these Call for Papers on our website (www.gjss.org). Here, you can also find our latest edition, ‘Theorising Futurities’, on the way in which the social sciences have explored the question of ‘the future’ – we hope it proves of interest!

Please contact us if you have further comments or questions.
Best wishes, Rose and Alexa Co-Editors, GJSS editors@gjss.org